What have we achieved so far? |
A Revolutionary, Transformational Genre
LANDMARK Discoveries
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Beyond All Boundaries
At the very forefront of marine science, we are intrepid explorers, who believe in the spirit of adventure. There is still so much to discover, that is not yet understood.
The Voice of Marine Science |
"Liquid Motion inspires the world, through the imaginitive application of Film'
(IWFF Montana) |
The Foundation team
- identifies and establishes working relationships with the worlds leading Marine Researchers, Oceanographers and Scientists, whose work provides vital insight and key steps for marine conservation.
- identifies urgent issues that require attention and generates strategic film themes, which will positively influence governments, policy makers and the public to address these emergencies, improve ocean health and maintain sustaintable havens of life.
- expands the impact of marine research globally, by transforming landmark discoveries into entertaining, understandable media formats, that increase understanding and accelerate change.
- uses inspiring, entertaining media to share benchmark science, which would otherwise only be grasped by an elite few.
- contributes back to science and research through the provision of field data, research and documentation in the wild.
Best known, most esteemed name in Underwater Media Production |
."Liquid Motions timely and unique portrayal of the fascinating and virtually unknown world of underwater colour communication is a pioneering breakthrough in underwater communication, and a landmark step towards improving all our understanding in this field”…
(National Geographic, 2009)
- creates global multi-media platforms, sharing far-reaching feature films, mesmerising images and spellbinding stories, that enable the world to experience new aspects of the oceans and their inhabitants.
- produces numerous feature films, respected series, underwater programmes and short films, that inspire and entertain around the globe.
- provides educational institutes, film festivals, shows, environmental agencies, governments and non-profit organisations with lectures, seminars, footage, information, films and extensive media about the oceans.
- uses the power of film to generate community support, motivate business-leaders, inspire influencers, and reach legislators, policy makers and those who have the ability to create change.
- has garnered global recognition, international press coverage and over 100 prestigious awards for inspirational, strategically targeted, transformational underwater films.
.."Truly some of the most beautiful and unusual work we’ve ever seen…"
- Gail Krueger, NOAA


Researching the Coral Reef |
2004 - Work with inspired Scientific minds for 6 months at The Bermuda Institute for Ocean Science resulted in a deep understanding of the coral reefs, challenges, threats, and sustainable solutions, and a feature film for global and national television, that generated awards, media and press coverage, and numerous opportunities as Speakers, and Panels with Scientists. This led to the positive implementation and adaptation of marine policies, governmental policy and marine protection areas. |
Researching Marine Animal Behaviour |
2000 - Years of research, science, study and documentation in the wild led to Liquid Motion authoring the exclusive, Science & PADI endorsed, globally acclaimed 'Fish Behaviour' Specialty Course, teaching new aspects of marine animal behaviour to guests all over the world. The course is constantly enhanced with new understanding and field information backed by science and inspired with unique, world class media presentations. |
Researching Underwater Fluorescence |
2007 - Work with the worlds lead Scientists & Researchers in the Caribbean and the Pacific to investigate, research, compare and document how marine animals use fluorescence and its role in behaviour and communication resulted in numerous new discoveries and 3 critically acclaimed, multi-award winning National Geographic exclusives, "Beyond The Blue', 'Magic Blue Wave' and 'A Touch of Fluorescence', the first ever films about
marine animals use of fluorescence in communication and their ability to change their fluorescence colours for behavioural purposes. |
Researching Marine Animal Communication |
2008 - Work with Prof Justin Marshall & Prof Shaun Collin at the University of Queensland Australia & Heron Island Research Station to study, document and understand how marine animals communicate with each other led to international press, critical acclaim and the first ever conceptual understanding that fish 'talk to each other' |
Only when people profoundly feel and emotionally see will they engage |
Researching Sensory Neuro-Biology |
2009 - Learning how marine animal communicate, how they see, their behaviour, vision & sensory systems with Prof. Shaun Collin, Prof. Justin Marshall, Dr Ulrike Siebeck and their team at The Heron Island Marine Research Station/University of Queensland Australia resulted in the revolutionary WATER COLOURS film series, represented exclusively by National Geographic. The series garnered over 50 major international awards, recognition, acclaim, mass press interest and broadcast on the leading TV channels all over the world. |
Researching marine strandings & 'breath-hold' diving |
2016 - Work with key Scientists & Researchers Dr Andreas Fahlman & Dr Daniel Garcia in Spain on the physical, physiological adaptations & threats of free-diving on marine animals and man, the incredible new science discovered about previously unknown dangers free-divers face and possible solutions to marine animal mass strandings, diving accidents, injuries and deaths leads to the creation of a transformational movie for global television 'The Diver' and a strategy to put fishermen and local communities as a driving force of sustainable fishing and positive change. |
Pioneering Science |
2008 - Years of research, science, study and documentation in the wild led to Liquid Motion authoring the exclusive, Science-based Specialty Course "FLUO-DIVING", introduced first to lead dive resorts in Indonesia & Mexico, followed by numerous dive operators aorund the world, providing people a chance to discover something new, today, that nobody has ever seen before. |
Passion, Dedication, Expertise |
2018 - The Liquid Motion Ocean Foundation works constantly to expand its multi-media presence and make its 30 years of informative material, media, images, information and films more readily available to a global audience.
*GRAND PRIX* - L'Institut Oceanographique de Monaco, France
*PLATINUM AWARD* - Houston Film Festival USA
*BEST OF FESTIVAL* - Washington DC
*BEST FILM* - Roma, Italy
*GOLD MEDAL* - British Underwater Film Festival UK
*GRAND PRIX"- Antibes Underwater Film Festival, France
*BEST UNDERWATER CINEMATOGRAPHY* - International Wildlife Film Festival Montana USA |
Collaborating globally for maximum impact and success |
Impact in The Caribbean |
Created several multi-award-winning feature films which broadcast through the islands and on global television, investigating the health of various reefs around the Caribbean, documenting marine protection plans that work underwater as well as for the economy, such as Bonaire Marine Parks system. Spoke regulalry as Advocates for marine protection in Caribbean islands - Belize, Honduras, Caymans - inspiring local communities and tourists to understand and implement win-win situations that generate both a better econony and healthier, sustainable reefs.
"Enigmatic, mystical, spellbinding adventure - your films are a unique, powerful revelation of marine animals characters, as have never been seen before" - (Editor, The Bonaire Reporter) |
Impact in The Pacific |
Created a short docu-feature for the Fiji Islands Hotel & Tourism Association, local dive operators and grand resorts about the importance of non-destructive diving, snorkeling and swimming, that every guest to the islands is obliged to watch prior to entering the ocean - the start of the movement for marine conservation and education in the Fiji Mamanuca & Yasawa Islands. |
Impact in Indonesia |
2012 - Using multi-media and personal influence, worked directly with small local fishing communities and large resorts to communicate, educate, enhance and expand win-win solutions such as no-fishing zones, no dynamiting, and no-take zones, educating both local communities, fishing communities, tourists and resort owners on the fragility of the marine ecosystem and how to generate sustainable economic opportunity from tourism due to healthy, richly stocked reefs. |
Impact in Bermuda |
Hosted a series of talks, Government panels and movie nights as Speakers and created an award-winning feature for national and global TV broadcast made collectively with lead Scientists, that resulted in positive changes to government policy and new marine protection plans and legislations to provide protection for the marine world.
..."The Bermuda Biological Station for Research was especially privileged to have Liquid Motion Film give a special Seminar on Scientific Photography & Film; it was an excellent example of how image and video can be used to educate"
( Dr. James Wood, Research Scientist, Bermuda) |
A small selection of our Sponsors and Partners
Unique, Creative Content, Multi-Media Programming & Loyal Viewers
provide us a solid base to educate millions
While delicate whip corals are interesting, the critters that inhabit them make them worth a closer look.
This Goby family streamline themselves on a narrow beam, running up and down with the skill of tightrope walkers, unfazed by their precarious home. They shoot into the water column for a snack and play, jumping over each other like children at the playground.
The family all have different eye colours, perhaps to distinguish themselves or communicate. A magnifying lens reveals complex patterns of chromatophores, pigment cells allowing them to change colour and match their 'landlord'
Gobies are one of the largest families of fish and like shrimps, have populated most areas of the reef. They have fused pelvic fins, which form a disc-shaped sucker, functioning like the remoras modified dorsal fin - this allows them to colonize bizarre homes of all shape and size.
"Liquid Motion plays a key role in introducing unique aspects of marine science and animal behaviour to the world"
"Absolutely beautiful cinematography. Passionate and Poetically Compelling. Striking Photography, from a totally unique perspective"
- (International Wildlife Film Festival IWFF Montana USA)
Never-before seen footage extract, of a hermit crab cleaning a scorpionfish, as a daily ritual.
..."Concept films that are completely different from usual….. Uniquely lovely footage and clearly a huge experience of the environment and the marine animals…
- Doug Allen, BBC/Blue Planet
We are a world-class network of Internationally Acclaimed Movie Producers, Ocean Explorers, Marine Researchers, Environmentalists, Award-Winnning Filmmakers, Authors, Advocates, Educators and Speakers, dedicated to reversing the trend of destruction of ocean environments.